
From Backyard to Breakfast Plate: A Truly Fresh Omelet


There’s something undeniably magical about cooking with ingredients plucked straight from your backyard. The taste is purer, the aroma more intoxicating, and the satisfaction, immeasurable. Today, we’re going to elevate the humble omelet to extraordinary heights, using the bounty of your garden and the golden treasure from your henhouse.


  • 3 large, fresh backyard eggs
  • A handful of freshly picked spinach
  • A ripe, juicy tomato, sliced
  • A small handful of crumbled feta cheese
  • A sprig of fresh thyme
  • A drizzle of extra virgin olive oil
  • Salt and pepper to taste


  • A few slices of crispy bacon, crumbled
  • A dollop of sour cream


  1. Prep your pan: Heat a small non-stick skillet over medium heat. Add a drizzle of olive oil.
  2. Whisk it up: In a bowl, whisk together your eggs until smooth. Season with salt and pepper.
  3. Garden to pan: Sauté the spinach in the heated skillet until wilted. Remove from the pan and set aside.
  4. Omelet time: Pour the whisked eggs into the skillet. As the eggs begin to set, sprinkle the feta cheese, sliced tomato, and fresh thyme over the top.
  5. Fold and serve: Once the eggs are almost cooked through, gently fold the omelet in half. Slide it onto a plate, and garnish with additional feta, a sprinkle of thyme, and a drizzle of olive oil. For extra indulgence, top with crumbled bacon and a dollop of sour cream.

Tips for the Perfect Omelet:

  • Egg freshness matters: Backyard eggs often have richer yolks and a more robust flavor.
  • Don't overcook: A perfectly cooked omelet is tender and creamy.
  • Experiment with fillings: Feel free to swap out ingredients based on what's in your garden. Consider adding mushrooms, peppers, or herbs.
  • Presentation is key: A beautifully plated omelet is as much a feast for the eyes as it is for the palate.

There's something truly special about transforming fresh, homegrown ingredients into a delicious meal. This omelet is a celebration of your backyard harvest and a testament to the joy of cooking with nature's bounty. Enjoy!

Homestead Apple and Sage Bread Pudding

 This recipe blends the hearty comfort of a traditional bread pudding with the unique flavors of sage and apple, commonly found on homesteads.


  • Stale bread (from your own oven)
  • Milk (from your cow)
  • Eggs (from your chickens)
  • Honey (from your beehive)
  • Apples (from your orchard)
  • Sage (from your herb garden)
  • Butter (from your cow)
  • Cinnamon
  • Nutmeg


  1. Prepare the Bread: Cut stale bread into cubes.
  2. Make the Custard: In a large bowl, whisk together milk, eggs, honey, and a pinch of cinnamon and nutmeg.
  3. Sauté Apples and Sage: In a skillet, melt butter over medium heat. Add thinly sliced apples and chopped sage. Cook until apples soften and become fragrant.
  4. Combine Ingredients: In a greased baking dish, layer bread cubes, apple-sage mixture, and custard. Repeat layers as needed.
  5. Bake: Cover the dish with foil and bake at 350°F (175°C) for 30 minutes. Uncover and bake for an additional 15-20 minutes, or until golden brown and set.

Note: For a richer flavor, consider using cream instead of milk, if available. You can also add raisins or other dried fruits to the pudding for extra sweetness and texture.

This recipe is a delightful way to use up stale bread and enjoy the bounty of your homestead. The combination of sweet apples, savory sage, and creamy custard creates a truly unique and satisfying dish.


Making tea for chickens might sound unconventional at first, but it's actually a beneficial practice that many poultry keepers swear by! Here's why tea can be great for your chickens:

Health Benefits: Tea offers various health benefits for chickens, such as building a healthy immune system, improving respiratory health, and enhancing egg quality.
Hydration: Tea provides extra hydration for your birds, especially during hot weather or when they are recovering from illness.
Natural Remedies: Certain types of teas, like chamomile or mint, can have calming or digestive benefits for chickens.
Easy to Make: Making tea for chickens is simple and cost-effective, making it accessible for poultry keepers of all levels.
It's important to use natural and safe ingredients when making tea for your chickens, avoiding any additives or caffeine. Always consult with a veterinarian or poultry expert to ensure you're providing the best care for your flock.

Benefits of Tea​:

Chamomile: Helps lower stress, has calming effects, and soothes inflamed skin when used as a wash.
Dandelion: Aids in flushing out toxins, acts as a blood cleanser, and supports adjustment to seasonal changes.
Raspberry: Effective for diarrhea and upper respiratory conditions.
Rosehips: Rich in Vitamin C, boosts the immune system, and beneficial for arthritis pain.
Rosemary: Assists with pain relief, enhances respiratory health, and acts as a natural insect repellent.
Also new, fall/winter brew contains herbs to support health in cold weather, Rosemary, Basil, Dill, chamomile.

How to Make:

How to Make: Boil water in a pot or kettle. The amount of water depends on how much tea you want to make.
Once the water reaches a rolling boil, turn off the heat.
Add the herbs to the hot water. Use about a handful of herbs per quart of water, but you can adjust this based on your preference and the potency of the herbs.
Let the herbs steep in the hot water for at least 10-15 minutes. Steeping longer will result in a stronger tea.
Let the tea cool down to a warm or room temperature before offering it to your chickens. Hot tea can burn their mouths, so be cautious.
If desired, you can add a teaspoon of local or organic honey to the tea for added health benefits and palatability.
Serve the herbal tea to your chickens in a clean waterer or dish. You can also freeze the tea in ice cube trays during hot weather and offer it as a refreshing treat.
Serve warm on cool days or freeze in summer as ice cubes and give as a a treat. It really encourages them to stay hydrated. 

Adding a teaspoon of local or organic honey further enhances the health benefits of the herbal blends.

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This sprinkle adds a flavor and nutrient boost to your poultry's diet.


  • 1/2 cup hemp seeds (a common crop in the 1800s)
  • 1/4 cup rolled oats
  • 2 tbsp dried cranberries (or chopped raisins)
  • 1 tbsp ground flaxseed (similar nutritional benefits to chia)
  • 1 tsp cayenne pepper (optional, for a spicy kick


  1. In a dry frying pan over low heat, toast the hemp seeds and rolled oats for a few minutes, stirring occasionally, until fragrant.
  2. Remove from heat and let cool completely.
  3. In a bowl, combine the toasted seeds and oats with dried cranberries, flaxseed, cayenne pepper (if using), and salt.
  4. Store in an airtight container in a cool, dry place.

How to Use:

  • Sprinkle a small amount (around 1 tablespoon) on top of your chicken's regular feed daily.
  • You can also mix it into moistened feed for a bit of variety.
  • Notes:

    • Adjust the amount of cayenne pepper depending on your desired spice level.
    • You can substitute other dried fruits like chopped apples or cherries for the cranberries.
    • If hemp seeds are unavailable, use an equal amount of additional rolled oats.

    This recipe provides a nutritious treat for your poultry using ingredients that would have been familiar to farmers in the 1800s. The hemp seeds offer healthy fats, while the rolled oats and flaxseed provide fiber. The dried fruit adds a touch of sweetness and vitamins, and the cayenne pepper (optional) can boost the immune system.

Apple Crisp Like Grandma Used to Make (1800s Style!)


Here's a recipe for Apple Crisp that would have been right at home on a homestead in the 1800s:


  • 4-6 apples (whatever kind you have on hand!) - peeled, cored, and sliced
  • 1/2 cup flour (wheat flour was most common)
  • 1/2 cup rolled oats (a readily available breakfast staple)
  • 1/4 cup brown sugar (packed) - OR if you only have white sugar, use that!
  • 1/4 cup cold butter
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon (a popular spice)
  • Pinch of salt


  1. Preheat your oven to 375°F (190°C). Grease a baking dish (cast iron would be perfect if you have it!).
  2. In the baking dish, toss your sliced apples with a squeeze of lemon juice (if you have any, it helps prevent browning).
  3. In a separate bowl, mix the flour, oats, brown sugar, cinnamon, and salt together. Using your fingers or a pastry cutter, work the cold butter into the dry ingredients until it resembles coarse crumbs.
  4. Sprinkle the crumb topping evenly over the apples in the baking dish.
  5. Bake for 40-45 minutes, or until the apples are tender and the topping is golden brown.


  • You can add a splash of water or milk to the crumble topping if it seems too dry.
  • For a richer flavor, add a tablespoon of chopped nuts (walnuts or pecans would be good choices) to the crumble topping.
  • Serve warm with a dollop of cream or a scoop of vanilla ice cream (if you have it!), or enjoy it plain for a simple and delicious dessert.

This recipe uses ingredients that would have been readily available on a homestead, and it's easy to adjust based on what you have on hand. Enjoy a taste of history!

Lavender Breeze Nesting Box & Coop Herbs

Elevate the ambiance of your chicken coop with our Nesting Box & Coop Herbs! Crafted with a blend of natural, dried herbs, including spearmint, this aromatic mix adds a fresh and clean scent to your feathered friends' home. Simply mix these herbs with coop bedding or nesting box bedding to refresh their living space. Not only will you enjoy the delightful fragrance, but your clucking companions will too! Plus, these herbs are an environmentally friendly addition to your chickens’ environment.

Subject to availability, Peppermint.Oregano,Mullein,Basil, Lemon Grass, Lavender, and Turmeric

Nesting Herbs are chosen for their natural properties such as anti-bacterial and anti-parasitic, and are created to be added directly to the nesting or coop bedding (typically straw, hay, or shavings). Refresh every few days.

 More info here

When the Heat is On: Helping Your Plants Survive Summer Sizzle


Uh oh, is your garden feeling the heat? We've all been there – scorching temperatures that leave your once-thriving veggies looking wilted and unproductive. It's frustrating, but here's the science behind it: when things get scorching (over 90°F+), many plants simply throw in the towel on flower and fruit production. This is one of the reasons climate change is a serious threat to global food security.

So, what can you do to help your wilting friends? While a magic cool-down button would be ideal, here are some strategies to combat the summer sizzle:

  • Shade is Your Savior: Shade cloth is your best friend during heat waves. String it up over your most vulnerable plants to provide much-needed relief from the harsh afternoon sun. Aim for 30-50% shade cloth for most vegetables.
  • Mulch Mania: A thick layer of mulch (think 2-3 inches) keeps the soil cool and moist. It acts like a tiny blanket, preventing the sun from baking the soil and helping retain precious moisture. Replenish your mulch layer as needed throughout the season.
  • Hydration Heroics: Water deeply in the early morning or evening when temperatures are cooler. Aim for the water to reach the roots, not just dampen the surface. Avoid midday watering, as it can evaporate quickly.
  • Strategic Planting: Consider planting heat-tolerant veggies like peppers, okra, and cherry tomatoes. These tough guys can handle the heat better than others. You can also try planting heat-sensitive vegetables in succession, starting cool-season crops early and then switching to warmer weather favorites later in the season.
  • Patience is a Virtue: Sometimes, the best course of action is to simply wait it out. As temperatures cool down, your plants may resume their normal growth and production.

Bonus Tip: Give stressed plants a little extra TLC. This could include adding a light organic fertilizer or using a seaweed spray to help them cope with the heat.

Remember, a little planning and proactive care can go a long way in helping your garden weather the summer heatwave. So grab your shade cloth, water deeply, and keep hope alive! Your plants might surprise you with their resilience.

A blast from the past: Deviled eggs with a twist

 Craving a touch of history on your plate? Look no further than this recipe for Deviled Eggs Royale! Dating back to the late 19th century, deviled eggs were a staple of fancy hors d'oeuvres platters. This version adds a touch of sophistication with a luxurious twist, perfect for showcasing the beautiful yolks of your own backyard eggs.


  • 6 hard-boiled eggs from your happy hens
  • 1/4 cup mayonnaise (preferably full-fat for best flavor)
  • 1 tablespoon Dijon mustard (whole grain for an extra kick)
  • 1 tablespoon finely chopped shallots
  • 1 tablespoon chopped fresh chives, plus extra for garnish
  • 1/4 teaspoon smoked paprika, plus extra for garnish
  • Salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste

Optional Add-Ins:

  • 1 teaspoon finely chopped fresh dill
  • 1/4 cup crumbled blue cheese
  • 1 tablespoon finely chopped roasted red peppers


  1. Hard-boil your eggs: This can be done in various ways. Here's a simple method: Place your eggs in a single layer in a saucepan. Cover them with cold water and bring to a boil over high heat. Once boiling, immediately remove from heat, cover, and let sit for 12 minutes. Drain and rinse with cold water to stop the cooking process. Peel the eggs once cool enough to handle.

  2. Prepare the filling: Halve the eggs lengthwise and carefully remove the yolks. Using a fork, mash the yolks in a medium bowl until smooth. Add the mayonnaise, Dijon mustard, shallots, chives, smoked paprika, salt, and pepper. Stir until well combined. If using any optional add-ins, incorporate them now.

  3. Assemble the deviled eggs: Spoon the filling mixture back into the egg whites, creating a small mound. You can use a piping bag for a more elegant presentation.

  4. Garnish and serve: Sprinkle with additional smoked paprika and a sprinkle of fresh chives. Serve chilled.


  • For a vintage touch, serve on a small plate with a doily or a bed of lettuce leaves.
  • Want to add a bit of heat? Include a pinch of cayenne pepper in the filling.
  • Leftovers? No problem! Deviled eggs can be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.

The History of Deviled Eggs

The exact origin of deviled eggs remains a mystery, but they appear in cookbooks as early as the 18th century. By the late 19th century, they were a popular choice for upscale hors d'oeuvres. Their name likely comes from the "devilish" spicy filling used in some early recipes. This version, with its creamy mustard and paprika twist, offers a more refined yet approachable take on this classic dish.


Backyard Bounty, Modern Twist

This recipe celebrates the simple yet delicious bounty of your backyard coop. Fresh, vibrant eggs elevate the dish, adding a layer of richness and flavor. So, gather your ingredients, get creative with your add-ins, and impress your guests with this unique take on a timeless recipe!

Cracking the Coop: Top 5 Chicken Breeds Perfect for Beginners


So, you've decided to embark on the rewarding journey of raising chickens! But with so many fascinating breeds to choose from, selecting the perfect feathered friends can feel overwhelming. Fear not, aspiring chicken coop connoisseurs! This guide will unveil the top 5 breeds ideal for beginners, ensuring a smooth and joyful poultry experience.

1. Rhode Island Red: These majestic birds are the quintessential backyard chickens. Renowned for their calm and friendly temperament, Rhode Island Reds are docile and easy to handle, making them perfect for families with children. Plus, they're exceptional egg layers, reliably producing a steady stream of large, brown eggs throughout the year.

2. Barred Rock: Another highly sought-after breed for beginners, Barred Rocks are known for their gentle and curious nature. These adaptable chickens are comfortable in both confined spaces and free-range environments. They're also fantastic foragers, adept at finding tasty treats in your backyard while keeping pest populations in check. And let's not forget their impressive egg-laying abilities, offering a consistent supply of medium-sized, brown eggs.

3. Buff Orpington: If a laid-back and cuddly chicken is your dream, look no further than the Buff Orpington. These gentle giants are known for their docile personalities and love to be petted. Buff Orpingtons are also relatively quiet compared to some other breeds, making them ideal for those living in close proximity to neighbors. While their egg production might be slightly lower than some breeds, they make up for it with their calm and friendly demeanor.

4. Australorp: For the classic black chicken enthusiast, the Australorp is a top contender. These sleek and elegant birds are known for their docile and friendly nature, making them easy to handle for beginners. They're also champion egg layers, consistently producing a generous amount of large, dark brown eggs. Additionally, Australorps are relatively cold-hardy, making them a good choice for those in regions with cooler climates.

5. Wyandotte: These beautiful birds come in a variety of stunning colors and patterns, adding a touch of elegance to any backyard coop. Wyandottes are known for their docile and friendly temperament, making them perfect for families with children. They're also surprisingly good flyers, capable of navigating low fences and roosting in high places. While their egg production might be slightly lower than some breeds, they offer a consistent supply of medium-sized, brown eggs.

Bonus Tip: Regardless of the breed you choose, opt for chicks from a reputable hatchery. This ensures you're getting healthy birds with a good genetic background.

With these top 5 breeds and a little TLC, you'll be well on your way to raising a happy and healthy flock of chickens. Remember, these are just a starting point – there are many other fantastic breeds out there. So, do your research, find the chickens that speak to your heart (and backyard size!), and get ready to experience the joy of raising your own Backyard beauties!

About US

 Welcome to my backyard coop! 

I'm Colleen, and my heart belongs to my fluffy little flock. But my backyard isn't just about clucking! Here on Backyard Flock, we'll explore the full circle of backyard life: raising a happy and healthy flock, nurturing a thriving garden (where those pesky bugs become tasty treats for the chickens!), and whipping up delicious recipes featuring fresh eggs and homegrown veggies.

From coop chronicles to chicken care tips, we'll hatch a plan for a happy and healthy flock. Learn from my mistakes, discover fun chicken facts, and glean some green thumb wisdom for a flourishing garden. Plus, I'll share mouthwatering recipes that transform your backyard bounty into culinary delights.

So, grab a cup of coffee, cluck along with our adventures, and let's get your backyard clucking, growing, and creating unforgettable meals!